A Former “Content Reviewer” I Once Worked for the CCP’s Ministry of Truth

4 years ago

#ChinaGreatFirewall #InternetCensorship #50CentArmy
We all know that the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP, has built up a
“Great Firewall” to block all overseas websites and information that they don’t like. The so-called “Internet” in China should actually be called “Intranet”.
But how about information that is published inside China on China’s own websites, but is disliked by the party? We know roughly that the CCP also censors information inside China, but exactly how, and to what extent?
Recently we had a rare opportunity to gain a little bit of insight into how the CCP’s tremendous information censorship works, through detailed first-hand accounts from a former so-called “Content Reviewer” of the largest Chinese-language mobile portal.

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