What is going on with Disney and the Kids? What about Clintons and Epstein?

2 years ago

What is going on with Disney and the Kids? What about Clintons and Epstein?

I do not approve of hate speech, racism, making fun of those who were born gay, or bullying of any kind. That's not what this is about. This is about child abuse, child trafficking, and Pee-dough-feel-ya!

There's a difference in those who were born with confused genders. Some people are born with both sex organs or Amorphic. What do you do about that? Did God make a mistake? I've studied the entire Bible from Old to New Testaments. Not one time is the word "homosexual" ever mentioned in any language in the Hebrew or Greek.

I'm not going to go into all that I learned, but I will put a link to my exhaustive study if you're interested. Some gay couples raise perfectly healthy well balanced straight children. But I've never met one personally who would ever even consider harming a child. much less doing something like you see in this video. A "normal" gay person wouldn't even dream of going out in public almost naked, any more than any other normal straight person.

The word in the old testament that is used is "Sodomites" and it had a totally different meaning to what people in our age think. It means a "male shrine prostitute." There's also "female shrine prostitutes." I show all the scriptural references and meanings for this in my study.


Are you familiar with NAMBLA? Look it up. This is what's going on here. Most of these parents pushing their children to see this EVIL are either desperately decieved or evil themselves. This is about Pee-dough-feel-ya! PERIOD!!!

Please pray for these children, parents, and even those in the parade. When you know about MKUltra, you will see many of the victims in this parade. Jesus Christ can make the vilest sinner clean.

God bless you all, and God help our country. 💕🙏🙏🙏🙏💕

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