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Bride of Christ Shall Rise, INTEGRITY, Stay Ready & Watching, Every Day Important, JESUS SAID WATCH

4 years ago

Psalm 26:1
Declare me innocent, O Lord, for I have acted with integrity; I have trusted in the Lord without wavering.
Those with integrity will be disappearing, raptured/caught up, but professing Christ without living for Christ in obedience will cause you to be left behind. I do not want anyone left behind, but the Lord gives directions and instructions. Don't profess Christ and live in hypocrisy.
Titus 2:7
And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching.

Psalm 18:25
To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show integrity.

Psalm 26:1
Declare me innocent, O Lord, for I have acted with integrity; I have trusted in the Lord without wavering.

Psalm 119:1
Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord.

Titus 2:7
And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching.


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