Choose to be Heroic! (SERIES PART 1 OF 6)

4 years ago

Do you like the way the world is going? If your answer is no, then my question to you is what are you doing about it? So many people go through their lives being obsessed with the so-called heroes they see on the covers of magazines, so-called “Social Media Influencers,” famous authors, Hollyweird actors and actresses, and their life becomes obsessed with meeting them.

They believe this “moment” will be the pinnacle of happiness. However, this feeling at best might be sustained for a few hours after the event. It is not long-lasting and in fact not “true happiness.” It is a moment of pleasure, not the worst thing in the world. However, if you don’t like the way the world is going and you desire to experience long-lasting happiness (true happiness is experienced long-lasting after whatever created it) then we have a wonderful solution for you.

Wake up each and every morning and instead of being obsessed with meeting your heroes, become obsessed with choosing to be a hero to someone else each and every day. Look in the mirror and stare at the reflection for 30 seconds. That reflection can be the reflection of greatness. That reflection can be the reflection of a hero; yourself. You come from greatness, you are greatness, and in your life, you can attract greatness.

First though, wake up every day and choose to be a hero. Your life matters. You matter. Don’t wait for a miracle. Be the miracle. You are a hero. Never forget it.

Love, JonD and Kaylee

Jonathan Dunn is an award-winning coach who helps individuals and teams become the greatest-versions-of-themselves. He is also a dynamic public speaker and corporate facilitator for groups from 10 to 1,000. His topics range from internal corporate communication to creative inspiration, to the power of creating a caring culture to living a fun and fulfilling life. His sense of humor, style and mode of presentation is always original, always colorful, and always memorable. Testimonials provided upon request.

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