Personality Test: Your Sitting positions reveals these personality traits

2 years ago
Sitting Position Personality Test: Do you sit with your knees straight? Knees apart? Ankles crossed? Crossed Legs? Or Figure-Four leg lock? Men Women readers, Know what your sitting position says about your personality and those of the people you know!
ROO HOME Sitting Position Personality Test: In our previous personality tests, we explored the personality traits based on nose shape, sleeping position, favorite coffee, walking style, and more. Today we are back with another personality test that reveals what your sitting style says about you.
As per behavioral studies by experts, it has been found that leg position reveals personality. Yes, our legs and feet can give away insights into our personalities. Experts state that the legs function based on commands fired through our subconscious which is hardwired to either go in the direction of what we want or move away in case of danger or negative emotions such as nervousness, anxiety, boredom, insecurities, etc.
Interesting studies have shown that airline personnel on flights are trained to spot people sitting with crossed ankles as a sign of nervousness or anxiety to ask for service. The cabin staff during their training are taught to ask these passengers usually more than once if they want something else as a way to help them open up and relax.
Enjoy reading about your sitting position personality traits and those of the people you know!
Ready to know what your sitting position says about your personality?

Sitting Position #1: Knees Straight
Key Traits: Intelligent, Rational Thinkers, Punctual, Smart Workers, Cleanliness Lover, Honest but Reserved.
In a study by researchers at Ohio State University, it was revealed that people who sit with knees straight are perceived as qualified for a job role during their interviews. They are also found to be one who believes in themselves and their skills. They have a healthy and positive outlook toward themselves and as a result, they have fewer insecurities.
Sitting straight with knees straight is also an indicator of a high level of confidence. These people are intelligent, rational thinkers, and punctual in their everyday lives. They are least likely to reach late to any place, meeting, or interview.
They are more likely to do smart work and keep their places, home, kitchen, or office space, and workspace neat and in order. Their homes or workplace is most likely to be found clean and with everything in its place.
They are honest but quite reserved. They will abstain from gossiping or talking behind people. They will rather keep their emotions in check or to themselves than create a scene or get involved in conflicts.
They possess the ability to stay calm in adverse kinds of situations and therefore they seldom lose their perspective. Their calm mind also helps them detect any change in the environment or usual occurrences in the everyday life.
Also Read Personality Test: Your Foot shape reveals these personality traits
Sitting Position #2: Knees Apart
Key Traits: Self-centered, Arrogant, Judgmental, Short attention span, and quick to get bored.
People who sit with their knees apart are found to have a self-centered vibe going on about them. They also appear to be arrogant and judgmental. However, studies have revealed totally opposite of what seems on the surface. You are most likely to be an anxious and worrisome person. You aim for perfection so much that you are constantly filled with fear of something going wrong.
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