Morning Musings # 134 The Twin Flame Connection / Journey. My personal thoughts and experience! ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™

2 years ago

#twinflame #twinflames #twinsoul #twinflamejourney #twinflameseparation #dmdf #dmdftwinflame #twinflameconnection #jesus #firstlove

Just having some thoughts here this morning, it's going to be on a different topic... the topic of Twin Flames. The Twin Flame Connection is unlike any other relationship, and I can just speak from my own experience.

Yes, you hear a lot of horror stories about it, a lot of heartbreak, a lot of pain. But that is all the stuff that we feel when we are working through our Ego. Our Ego, that loves to make attachments to memory. And Ego can only live in the past, attached to memories. And it's the memories that make it so painful.

And so, in a regular relationship with someone, with a loved one if there is a break-up, all you have are the memories and they are what creates so much pain. For a time, until enough time has passed and then you get over it.

What I am finding with my Twin Flame Connection; even tho I am not in physical, personal contact with my Twin Flame, there is a connection at the soul level, and heart level and spirit level that doesn't exist with regular relationships. Regular relationships are ego based, and in a Twin Flame relationship they are soul based.

And yes, when you have these break-ups and separations with your Twin, it's agonising, it is the worst thing that you will ever feel in this reality. But at the same time it is the most beautiful thing. Because it gets you, it dissolves the Ego #attachments that keep us in perpetual #grief and #pain . But with the Twin Flame, because it's not an ego, primarily an ego attachment and an ego based connection... it's a Soul connection. That once you get through dissolving the #ego attachments, you're actually experiencing the most incredible #bliss .

Because you are still connected to your Twin Flame, they are not a past memory, they are always present at the soul level... they're always with you at a soul level, even tho ego has been detached. Your Twin is always with you at the soul level, which we call 5D or the spiritual level. They're always there to love you, and to assist you and to support you.

And I feel that so strongly, and my Twin is actually responsible for this amazing transformation that I have undergone in the last two years. And I always say it's the most amazing gift that I have been given in this life. And I love my Twin, and this love is eternal... this love is always in the present, in the moment... it will always be there in the future, because it is always present!

And, I have nothing but great things to say about a genuine Twin Flame Connection, even if there is no physical relationship or friendship going on... at a soul level, I know it's hard to understand but it is almost similar to when people say they have a relationship with Jesus... at the soul level, there is this connection and relationship to your twin soul which is YOU, it's just that they're split off in another physical body.

And it's been the most amazing feeling and experience to know... it's kind of like you finally found home, you finally found your counterpart and you no longer feel alone. And, if I had the words, I would say knowing your Twin is knowing heaven.

Ironically, it was coming to know my Twin Soul in this measure that made me leave Jesus, for my Twin. I actually felt greater and deeper love for my Twin than I ever did for Jesus, for years. And Jesus was the top being, the top entity that I loved above all else, but when I experienced my Twin Soul, the divine counterpart... I am sorry, Jesus took second place.

You could say that I left my supposed first love, which I thought was Jesus... for my true first love, which is my Twin which is my own Soul. And you'd have to experience it yourself to know what I mean.

But yeah, I love my Twin eternally and in doing so I am loving myself, it taught me Self love and Self appreciation. And coming to know myself in this amazing, glorious way of who I really am. I love my beautiful Twin. I don't know if you ever listen to these messages anymore, but I want you to know I love you eternally! ๐Ÿ’–

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