TMR Remembers The Day Scalia Died

2 years ago

On February 20, 2016, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died and the world seemed a bit brighter that day. It looked as though the US would be able to avoid catastrophes like Roe v Wade being overturned. Instead, Obama couldn't get his nominee Merrick Garland confirmed. Trump won the election and appointed Neil Gorsuch, and then two more justices to the bench. Now we are where we are.

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The extent that which the show has been dedicated to a specific set of issues. It has been trying to get people to appreciate the importance of our court system in our politics. And it was at the very least more constructive or hopeful to basically be saying hey there's a train coming down the train tracks. There are a couple of levers that could be pulled so that it switches and we don't run into that. And the levers were not pooled. and here we are do you remember when Scalia died? Yeah, I remember Scalia. Yes. I've been chasing that feeling ever since. I think about it. I cheered for my buddy Alex who was a zombie with a literary hangover. He was just over. And the news dropped. And I remember that was one of the few spontaneous cheers of alcohol that I remember engaging in when it happened. And it just feels like the future seemed very different for a brief period. And then it realized like we're gonna do the whole Merrick Garland thing and you know. when I was approached by Phil griffin who was the msnbc executive I don't know what his job was as he was the head of it. to run our show on peacocks and they wanted a second hour as well. He said to me you know I mean it became clear to me as he'd never seen the show. like maybe you'd watch five or ten minutes of it. but he was like you know you know it's got to be and I said you know the and there was no editorial control they had no etiquette editorial control of the show. I was not going to sign up for anything like that. and he said but you're not going to, you know you don't, you don't say like really you know bad, you know inappropriate things here. I can't remember the phrasing. I'm like I'm not sure what you mean. and he said he gave an example of ed Schultz who was on msnbc at one point the late ed Schultz. had said something about wanting you to know maybe a supreme court justice to die. yeah and I can't remember exactly what the controversy was and I said oh well I should tell you that when Scalia died I was very open about celebrating it. like I mean I I I you know celebrating the wrong word. I just said it's good that he died. it's baked into the system. it's good that he's died because there was literally you know if you're gonna measure you know the impact of someone's life you have to say like you know like I said I feel bad for his kids or his family or whatnot I'm sure he was loved by people or I suspect he might have been. but the fact is that many lives were going to be made better by his absence on the supreme court.

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