FFXIV Music - Maelstrom Command HQ Theme Song! (The Maelstrom) Final Fantasy Soundtrack

4 years ago

Uplifting, inspiring music that can be heard in the home base headquarters for the Maelstrom grand company called Maelstrom Command in Limsa Lominsa! You do actually have to be inside the building to hear the songs of the respective grand companies. Enjoy!
Note* Songs or music may not be exclusive to specific areas.
Final Fantasy XIV - Shadowbringers
ESRB = Teen

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Series Playlist...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nmmxbozG4E&list=PLPYC2yeWPnrrsVehU8quSLp2n5VzaAHjo

Cheers for visiting and Namaste!

#FFXIVsoundtrack #FFXIVmusic #ffxivMaelstromCommandtheme #MasterTheFun #FinalFantasyXIV

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