The Ekklesia Project - Episode 75

2 years ago

A freedman of God hosting a journey to discover the lost ekklesia of God.
In this episode, we tie together John 1:14, 3:13, and 6:27, 33. Many have been born of the Spirit. But there is only one man who has been conceived of the Spirit to become a messenger of God's presence from above, in the flesh. This man is Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah and mediator of the New Covenant, the Son of God. The Spirit of God is the messenger of God's presence in spirit. The Son of God is the messenger of God's presence in the flesh. The Spirit of God promises life, the Son of God fulfills that promise to all those who walk the way of salvation in the Light. As the mediator of the New Covenant, God has chosen Jesus Christ to show us through his life and teachings the New Covenant way of salvation, which differs in some respects from the ways of salvation proscribed in the other two ages, i.e., the pre-Moses age and the Old Covenant age. To find life in this New Covenant age, one must walk in the New Covenant way of salvation. Should one fail to walk in the New Covenant way of salvation, he will not find life.

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