PFREI Series Episode 58: Robert Nickell

4 years ago

Do you have all the systems and processes in place to scale your business? Are you looking to hire virtual assistants? Or do you want to know how to build a remote team so that you don’t have to spend 90 hours a week doing repetitive tasks?

In today’s episode of Passion for Real Estate Investments, Founder and CEO of Rocket Station, Robert Nickell, talks to us about virtual teams, outsourcing, and the importance of thinking about how we spend our time. From working a corporate job, to rehabbing houses, to starting a virtual assistant training company, Robert’s problem-solving mindset has allowed his business to remain successful, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

After leaving college, Robert worked a corporate job, but soon left when he realized his 9-to-5 salary wasn’t accumulating fast enough to create the life that he wanted. At around the time of the 2008 market crash, Robert and his best friend entered the real estate market and bought their first property. His transition to virtual teams started when he realized that he needed to handle the repetitive day-to-day tasks and free up his time, and he began creating the systems and processes he needed for his business. By 2013, he was spending more time helping other businesses grow than his own, and he decided to form Rocket Station, to provide business process outsourcing solutions.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected his business? Robert has seen some trends in other businesses, and he tells us how he can help you build your business systems from the ground up in a matter of days. What are the challenges business owners face when trying to hire virtual assistants? Robert emphasizes the importance of slowing down and identifying where you should be spending your time, and how following this process improved his overall success.

If you’re a business owner and you’re looking to scale your business, or you’re thinking of starting a business and you need help with the systems and processes, or you want to know more about building remote teams, this episode is for you.

Highlights of the Interview

* “It’s better to be lucky than good.”
* Real estate is one of the only tools to produce passive income and create the life that you want.
* Smaller investors are investing more in their business during the pandemic.
* You need systems and processes in place first, and then everything else falls into place.
* Most of us do our jobs without thinking because we’ve become accustomed to just doing those things, and we never slow down to really think about what we did all day.
* His light bulb moment was when he realized his front-end transactions were the same every time.
* Up to 80% of the business can be delegated to virtual assistants.

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