Smith Wigglesworth Secrets From Ever-Increasing Quotes

2 years ago

Smith Wigglesworth: This Is the Place Where God Will Show up! You must come to a place of ashes, a place of helplessness, a place of wholehearted surrender where you do not refer to yourself. You have no justification of your own in regard to anything. You are prepared to be slandered, to be despised by everybody. But because of His personality in you, He reserves you for Himself because you are godly, and He sets you on high because you have known His name (Ps. 91:14). He causes you to be the fruit of His loins and to bring forth His glory so that you will no longer rest in yourself. Your confidence will be in God. Ah, it is lovely. "The Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" (2 Cor. 3:17).
Born June 10th, 1859
Died March 4th, 1947
Book: Life Changing Quotes of Smith Wigglesworth: Over 500 Powerful Life Changing Quotes from a man that Walked with God!

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