British-led Dark Angels team blast Russian positions with a Javelin anti-tank missiles

1 year ago

British-led Dark Angels team blast Russian positions with a Javelin anti-tank missiles
A BRIT-led team of international volunteers blasted a Russian position with a Javelin anti-tank missile on Ukraine’s front line.

The daredevil squad, led by ex-Para Daniel Burke, crept into no-man’s land in occupied Kherson province to launch the rocket attack.

Their unit, known as the Dark Angels, began the commando-style raid after troops from Ukraine’s 28th Brigade gave them an £80,000 fire-and-forget missile.

Body cam footage shot by fellow Brit fighter Sam Newey — a ­student from Birmingham with no previous military experience — shows the four-man team creeping up to a ridge line to fire the US-made guided weapon.

Britain has given Ukraine some 200 Javelin missiles which have a maximum range of 2.5km. The US donated thousands more.

The Sun met the volunteers at their bunker HQ in a bomb-blitzed frontline village.

The highest ranking volunteer was a former US Marine sergeant, Chris.

Others include a German-born bartender, British ex-con Mark Ayres, 49, and a US gun enthusiast, Justin, 29, who fought in Afghanistan.

Burke formed the Dark Angels to deliver humanitarian aid and provide medical and military training.

His volunteers are all unpaid — and laugh off Russian claims they are far-right foreign mercenaries.

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Brit-led team of international volunteers blast Russian tank with missile in daring commando-style mission in Ukrai

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