Psalm 102, God’s Work In Time of Trouble

2 years ago

Pastor Nelson Turner (AV1611 HOUR) preached this sermon to the assembled faithful in Church fellowship on January 23, 2022, and henceforth throughout the world to those who by God's Providence shall find it.
Psalm 102 is "a prayer of the afflicted when he is overwhelmed, and poureth out his complaint before the LORD...".
There are many internet sermons, teachings, seminars and such that deal with the topic of "When bad things happen to good people". (There are even a few that deal with the topic of "When good things happen to bad people".) In all things, the faithful sees, admits, and trusts the Providence of the Lord God. God is in control, and His purpose in every event and circumstance shall come to pass for His honor and glory.
Pastor Turner, through his own sufferings, invites us to share realizations of precious and eternal significance given by the Lord to him (and hopefully us all) through the experience of personal suffering.
"The one Who orders all things after the counsel of His own will has born our sicknesses and taken upon Himself our infirmities. It is only when we attain unto this knowledge deep in the soul through God's grace that we begin to see the infinite pathos of the suffering Savior who gave Himself and died for us." [Amen. Thanks be unto the Lord Jesus Christ for His mercies and love shown unto us in every step He has directed for us in our lives.]

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