Police getting very physically pushy to both males and females. Melbourne 25 06 2022

2 years ago

Police being police, some of them love to get physical and others love violence.

6. officer Senior Constable Jordan pushes a lady with red hair for being in his way so he could get past her for no reason - then stops - another police officer blocked the camera image at the time of the incident.
A minute later in the same video officer 41207 push gentlemen for being in his way for no reason.
Only half a second after that incident officer Sargent Tim Brannigan attempts t violently slams a bugle while protester still blowing it.

Maybe police still do not get that it is a peaceful protest where they do NOT need to be violent OR carry deadly weapons at a peaceful protest.

If any of the Protesters did to the police what the police do to the protesters, the police would have heaps of police surrounding the humans and get violent and arrest the humans.

But it must be assumed that its a 1 rule for them and another for humans, and another for the elite of society.

It is suppose to be - to serve and protect - however a number times many of them police officers do not appear to be serving or protecting the protesters in many incidents, infact quite the opposite. However you do see them serving and protecting their own kind.

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