Johnny T's - "You're So Vain" - Carley Simon Video Contest Entry

2 years ago

In 2010 Carley Simon released an album which contained new versions of her original hits and to promote the album she held a video contest awarding a $10,000 1st prize for the best video to her new version of her huge hit "You're So Vain."

Employing fellow comedians Mario Gentile & Genevieve Joy I felt we knocked a very creative one out - unfortunately the winning vid was some guy, who looked like a Hasidic Jew, skipping through Central Park. What that had to do with the song go figure!

But our consolation prize I suppose was that it seems Carley & James Taylor really enjoyed our entry so much so that the Contest Manger emailed me to say, "Sorry you didn't win Johnny, but know that you are a household name in the Simon & Taylor households."

I think the mistake I made in directing was that I had Geneieve sit atop Mario's lap - visually it looked like a sexual act could be taking place - not the best look for a mainstream artist's music video... well, at least Carley's.

The scene would've been just as effective if she just sat on the edge of the bed, but - oh well that's how the cookie crumbles. No cash but still very proud of our work.

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