Architect Speaks Out On Hardening Schools From Shootings

2 years ago

A listener calls in to the show to describe how architects feel about hardening schools from mass shootings. Republican politicians have proposed making changes to building like limiting the number of entrances and exits to prevent shooters from getting in. This listener has a unique insight into that idea.

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So when I'm what I'm just interested in talking about I'm an architect. I wanted to talk about Asia. The American Institute of architects. What they've kind of been up to regarding you've all done in gun control. Sure. Following all day the AIA in architecture and education they tweeted school design is not the answer to this now commonplace horror. No amount of building security measures can secure against a society that does not value children's lives enough to enact real change. Once again we grieve with the brokenhearted families. So this got a lot of praise from people that I follow. it's really rare for the aia to actually take a stand on something. CAE immediately went private.
Then the aia released a really entirely toothless statement. Maybe they're reprimanded or got backlash and quoted retweets. It's really frustrating to see this behavior time and time again from the national trade organization. Of what's generally a pretty progressive profession. ARCHIPAC the aia's packed their biggest donations in 2020 were to two republicans. So architects are really some of the most self-important people. We tend to feel like we can solve every single problem with these quote-unquote radical design solutions. But this school hardening point the one entry door is something that we should actually be able to speak with authority on. Architects who do education do a ton of research putting together a school that fosters productive learning in the 21st century is really no small task. Hardening the metal detector single point of entry all that is just really completely antithetical to the progress that's made. So what's also frustrating to me is that firms have no issue making statements on other key societal issues. Black Lives Matter. Sorry Black Lives Matter. LGBTQ rights. but the silence is really kind of deafening on this.

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