VISION: Healed 3 Years From PTSD, Urgent Rapture Time, Going to Be Left Behind? Why I Didn't Repent

4 years ago

Acts 2:17-18 says that men and women will dream and have visions. I had another vision seeing words flashing by with HOPE, LOVE, COME! One of my first visions in 2005 was seeing a pig going in and out of the mud. Then I had an open eyed vision seeing a full sized white horse running on the wall like Revelation 19. September 20, 2017 the Lord spoke to me and told me I was healed from PTSD, and told me to stop all antidepressants and going to the "Christian psychiatrist." She had been praying for me to get healed, and God did heal me, but she is not a believer in the pre-Tribulation rapture. I had been telling her what the Lord had spoken to me. So many think that they have years until Jesus returns. It is sad. I show part of a movie about being left behind. Left Behind movie:

Full message about the 100% Pre-Tribulation rapture and left behind instructions:

Left behind for unforgiveness:

Divorce and Remarriage: The Cost of Following Christ-

Tony Lamb- The Rapture is One Breath Away-

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