Underwater creatures| Undersea wildlife

2 years ago

The oceans of the world are filled with thousands and thousands of different living things. Scientists believe there may be a million different species living in the oceans, some of which have yet to be discovered. And just like on land, there are many different plants and animals.

Many of the ocean plants either float on the surface of the water, or grow in shallow water. Plants in the ocean need sunlight to grow just like those on land. The deepest parts of the ocean may not contain plant life because the energy from the Sun cannot reach deep into the ocean.

An ocean plant called seaweed is a type of algae called phytoplankton. Phytoplankton are very tiny, but it is the plant that gives off more oxygen than any other plant on Earth. Seaweed is a type of algae that floats on the surface of the water and has been used by people for food, and material for housing, ropes, and baskets.

Kelp is an ocean plant that can reach sizes up to 250 feet. It the largest ocean plant in the world and is usually brown. Kelp grows and lives on the surface of the water, but some kelp can also be very colorful. Kelp is another kind of seaweed. It grows very quickly and also needs the energy from the Sun to survive.

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