Dr. Ricardo Delgado - Covid Is Not A Virus. It Is Radiation From The "Vaccinated" OR The Antennas

2 years ago


At 4:45 min,
Peter - So, based on your investigations what is the Covid-19 disease?

Dr. Ricardo - Well, what it does is the Graphene Oxide in the vials that is amplified by the 5G signals in the body, from Giga Hertz to Tera Hertz, so all the microchips in the vaccines can work.

Peter - So, what is the virus itself? Is there actually a virus?

Dr. Ricardo - It never existed. That is why no institution can show any virus. It is not biotechnology or anything that has to do with medicine. It is more like technology in the body. It's more about the antennas, the 5G and the microtechnology that are in the vials.

Peter - So, we know that vaccinated people are getting sick because they are getting sick from the poisons that are contained in the vials, but how are the unvaccinated people getting sick, what are they coming down with if there's no virus?

Dr. Ricardo - People that are vaccinated, they can irradiate, like the Bluetooth technology, so he can check in his cellular phone or anybody can check on their cellular phone through the application which people are vaccinated that is close by, those are his neighbours. They irradiate radiation. It's not about contamination. It is not a virus. It is radiation from vaccinated people or the antennas.

Peter - Is this why unvaccinated people are reporting that they are suddenly magnetized?

Dr. Ricardo - When the Graphene Oxide it's inside of the body and connects with the hydroxide in the body, they make that magnetism in people so they can irradiate that magnetism. And that is why the people who have the magnetism, objects sticking to their body, like cellular phones and spoons and everything, we start looking at the Graphene Oxide.

Peter - Okay, I recently got sick. I had the set of symptoms that are branded as Covid-19. I had a fever, I had a headache, I had a loss of taste and smell, my joints hurt and I was fatigued...I'm clearly unvaccinated. What did I have?

Dr. Ricardo - The radiation from the 5G Cellular Towers is going higher and higher in every single place in the world and people are checking that with EMF meters. They send the reports to La Quinta Columna of what is going on with the antennas. The radiation is going higher and higher. Everybody gets sick or can be sick with the radiation, but the people who are vaccinated get more and more sick. The symptoms that you have mentioned before are the same as the ones in the radiation scientific papers.

Peter - I was treated with Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine...Why did these things work for me, if I was exposed to radiation?

Dr. Ricardo - What they do, they bring oxygen to the cell and not only that. They can make the immune system function better. That's why the anti-oxidants do the same. They make people feel better.

Peter - So, the natural God-given immune system will actually fight against radiation poison?

Dr. Ricardo - Definitely, the radiation from the antennas compromises the immune system. So, if you kept your anti-oxidants in the body, they promote cellular healing.

Peter - Were you able to identify the components in the vials that you were investigating?

Dr. Ricardo - We're trying to identify with all the scientific papers that we're researching. Right now, we have some that are identifiable. Some of them are micro-antennas, convex or systems of inscription, and some other ones.

Peter - They are micro-computers?"

Dr. Ricardo - Yes, we can say that. They are micro-routers that show MAC codes. You can see that when you do Bluetooth with an application........."

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