鑒察的日子 / The Day of Visitation (Doug Riggs)

2 years ago

Translation by Michael Shi



「一旦你洞察了這個末世論框架,就對自己所處的歷史位置有了堅實的基礎;你將清楚地瞭解神對以色列和列國隨鑒察的日子以後的旨意和末日計劃;但神的整個焦點是使教會完全——使教會『滿有基督長成的身量』(以弗所書 4:13);並且基督在祂子民中完全成形(加拉太書 4:19)——這是關鍵所在,因為基督在祂子民中就是祂榮耀的啓示。教會是神所揀選的器皿來彰顯彌賽亞的榮耀。這可以在帖撒羅尼迦後書 2:14、歌羅西書 3:4 和帖撒羅尼迦後書1:10 中找到。當祂來的時候,就會在祂聖徒身上得到榮耀。」


本錄音來自 Georgene Hughes 的 Byte Show podcast – 講員: Doug Riggs牧師

下載本書的pdf 檔案 (免費): https://bookministry1.s3.amazonaws.com

亦推薦: 「救恩的頭盔」的pdf檔案 (免費):https://bookministry1.s3.amazonaws.com


This is not your run-of-the mill rock-you-to-sleep bible lesson - but a terrific revelation and explanation of what is coming and how to prepare for it. The "Day of Visitation" is like a two-edged sword: for some, a great and long awaited blessing and vindication; for others, a potentially fatal and tragic judgment resulting in eternal loss of the inheritance and blessing God intended all of us to receive.

"God has a plan at the end of this age for the church, called the 'day of visitation'. It has never happened in history - and that 'day of visitation' coincides with the final phase of the church age when it's very dark - the morning star, which comes at the end of a very long night - means the church is going to pass through its greatest suffering - its greatest tribulation prior to "the Great Tribulation" which is going to come upon Israel and the Nations ... So the church must pass through a time of darkness leading up to and preparing a way for the 'man of sin' to be revealed."

"Once a person sees this eschatological framework, you have a solid grounding in where you are in history; you have a clear understanding of God's purpose and end-time plan for Israel and the Nations which comes after this - but God's whole purpose of bringing the church to completion - bringing the church 'to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ' (Eph. 4:13) - Christ being fully formed in His people (Gal. 4:19) - this is the key, because Christ in His people is the revelation of His glory. The church is the chosen instrument to reveal the glory of the Messiah (2 Thess. 2:14; Col. 3:4; 2 Thess. 4:10). When He comes, 'He will come to be glorified in His saints'."

"With all the confusion that is out there, and fear of believers going through the time of antichrist - I do not see that at all in the scripture - but that does not mean that the church is not going to pass through a time of great suffering - that is a part of the 'day of visitation'."

Originally presented on Georgene Hughes' Byte Show podcast - Speaker: Pastor Doug Riggs

Download pdf file of this book (free): https://bookministry1.s3.amazonaws.co...

Also recommended: pdf file of The Helmet of Salvation (free):



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