Understanding the Sequence of End-Time Events For The Last Days

2 years ago

Online Bible Study explaining the Sequence of End-Time Events for the Last Days.

In this Bible Study Video, Bible Teacher and Author, Everest John Alexander clearly explains the Sequence of End-Time Events for the Last Days, including the Rapture, Armageddon, The Great Tribulation, and the Second Coming of Christ.

If you ever wanted to understand the order of End Times events, including the Judgment Seat of Christ, the Marriage Feast of the Lamb, and the Millennial Reign, (1000 Year Reign of Christ) this Bible Study Video explains it all.

This Online Bible Study delivers powerful revelation and accurate explanation of Scriptures for everyone.

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Understanding the Sequence of End-Time Events (written version)

1. The Rapture
2. The Judgment Seat of Christ (In Heaven)
3. The Marriage Ceremony of the Lamb and His Bride (In Heaven)
4. The Great Tribulation On Earth (First 3 1/2 years Peace & Safety - Second 3 1/2 years Plagues & Destruction)
5. The Battle of Armageddon
6. Second Coming of Jesus Christ
7. The Beast and the False Prophet are cast alive into the Lake of Fire for all Eternity
8. Satan and His Demons imprisoned in the Bottomless Pit for 1000 Years
9. The 1000-Year Millennial Reign of Christ Begins on Earth where Jesus Governs the Planet from Jerusalem
10. The Sheep and Goat Judgment (From His Throne in Jerusalem Christ judges between the righteous and the unrighteous on earth based on who were favorable to His Jewish Brethren and who were not)
11. The End of Christ's 1000 Year Reign and Satan is Released from His Prison for a short time
12. Satan goes out to deceive the nations and they gather against the Lord and His Saints at Jerusalem
13. Satan and His Demons are taken and cast into the Lake of Fire for Eternity while Fire from Heaven destroys all the unrighteous on Earth
14. Everyone leaves Earth to attend The Great White Throne Judgment in Heaven where every Sinner is judged
15. After judgment all the unrighteous are cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone for Eternity
16. While everyone is in Heaven, the Earth with its atmosphere is completely burnt up and destroyed
17. God recreates a Brand New Earth and Heaven (Atmosphere)
18. The New Jerusalem with all the righteous comes down from Heaven and is established on the Earth
19. Jesus takes up permanent residence on Earth among His People
20 Eternity Begins

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