Former lesbian asks Canadian government not to ban so-called "Conversion Therapy"

4 years ago

Wilna van Beek, a former lesbian who currently lives in Saskatchewan, shares her personal story of having lived an unfulfilling gay lifestyle for many years, and then choosing to leave homosexuality forever, with the help of pastoral counselling and clinical therapy. Wilna asks Canada’s Members of Parliament to vote against the “conversion therapy” ban legislation, C-8, which if passed, would criminalize the type of helpful and loving spiritual guidance and clinical psychotherapy that she received, and which greatly improved her life, by helping her to leave behind her unwanted homosexual feelings.

Campaign Life Coalition is producing a series of video testimonies from former transgenders and ex-gays, in order to stop the Liberal government's proposed "conversion therapy" ban. Even though bill C-8 died when Trudeau prorogued parliament, the Liberals have promised to reintroduce this totalitarian bill in the new legislative session. This bill represents not only a violation of our civil liberties as free Canadians to choose what kind of therapy or spiritual counselling we want, but also a wholesale attack on the Christian message of "conversion" from sin.

Watch Past Videos in This Series

Video #1: Ontario man, Robert Wenman, who detransitioned with the help of spiritual guidance:

Video #2: Post-operative former transgender named KathyGrace Duncan who detransitioned back to her biological female sex, with the aid of spiritual counselling at her church:

Video #3: Toronto man, Keith Alexander, shares how his Christian faith and church support networks helped him to leave the gay lifestyle behind forever:

To sign a petition against Bill C-8, the proposed “Conversion therapy” ban legislation, go here:

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Campaign Life Coalition is a national, pro-life organization working at all levels of government to secure full legal protection for all human beings from the time of conception (fertilization) to natural death. It is non-partisan and encourages voting based on principles, not party. For more information visit

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