Roe v Wade OVERTURNED | What It Means TODAY | What The Left Will FOCUS ON IN THE RULING

1 year ago

Headlines and YouTube videos everywhere are now reading "Roe V Wade Overturned." In their release on the opinion today, the Supreme Court did exactly what we already knew they would do and overturned Roe v Wade. The real question is what does it mean and what's next. In this video Dan picks out a piece of the opinion that he feels the left will focus on next. He also delves into what the left is saying about this ruling, where abortion rights currently stand across the country, and what he feel every woman concerned about the impact of Roe v Wade being overturned should consider doing.

#RoeVWade #SCOTUS #Abortion

The Soule of Wisdom Episode 109 Segment 1

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On The Soule of Wisdom, Dan and Producer-Wife Beth debate the news and current events of the day with an emphasis on topics that affect us all. While the two have their views like everyone else, they delve into each topic in a search for real truth and wisdom. Dan and Beth work hard to have fun while approaching all topics frankly, honestly and with an open mind.

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