Homeschooled Kids WANT to be in public school / Homeschool Myths/ Homeschool Myths Busted

1 year ago

Homeschooled Kids WANT to be in public school / Homeschool Myths/ Homeschool Myths Busted!

Welcome to Everyday Blessings. If you're new here my name is Nina I am a homeschooling mom with five kids at home and six kids total. Here on my channel I talk about all things homeschool from tots to teens in real life. God didn't make me Pinterest perfect. I don't even pretend to be.

Today we are talking about the myth that homeschoolers secretly want to go to public school

To say that homeschoolers secretly want to be in public school you would have to also consider that public school children secretly want to be homeschooled

Are there days when a homeschooled child would rather be in public school? Sure. There are also days that a child dreams of being an only child, being emancipated, being adopted by daddy war bucks…

If a child has a deep desire one way or the other it has been my experience that parents explore the options and make a decision they believe is best for their child.

I didn’t decide to homeschool my child because i just thought it would be neat. I made an informed decision based on research and discussions with my child. Does that mean I let my child make this decision? No. I talked to him about the experiences he was having while enrolled in public school and took that into consideration in my decision.

This myth that all homeschool children are sitting at home begging their parents to be enrolled in public school is just silly. After enjoying the freedom of homeschool majority of children would NEVER want to public education.

A lot of individuals have begun working remotely these last couple of years. Professions that once required driving to an office, complying with a dress code, etc have now moved to home offices. I think it would be fair to say that some of these individuals working from home would like to be back in the office, and that some of these people working from home enjoy being able to sit in their home offices and work from the comfort of their home.

Not all homeschool kids long to be enrolled in public school. It is possible that children are intelligent enough to understand that a public government one size fits all education may not actually be suitable for everyone.

Thank you Rebecca Ruth Berman for this homeschool Myth. I hope I have successfully busted it for you.





Beginner’s Guide To Homeschooling Workbook:

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