Stories That Inspire Us with Carolyn Birrell - 06.24.22

2 years ago

Stories That Inspire Us welcomed to today’s podcast, Carolyn Birrell. Carolyn is the author of the book: WALKING WITH FAY - a Memoir About Dementia.

Carolyn Birrell retired to North Idaho after having spent 20 years in Atlanta, GA, as a real estate agent. Soon after her move, she relocated her aging mother to be near her and spent the next eight years caring for her while learning “all things dementia.” What began as a written collection of her mother’s difficult behaviors during dementia’s earliest stages quickly turned into a comprehensive book that she continued to update until the inevitable end of her mother’s disease. It speaks of one woman’s journey on her mother’s path into dementia.

Carolyn’s story of being a caregiver for almost 8 years is beyond amazing. Many times, she felt that she was drowning and needed help. As her Mom progressed, she sought advice from the Alzheimer’s Association. Carolyn kept a very detailed journey including emails and notes as to everything that transpired.

Often at times she would find herself “putting out fires”. She described her Mom’s progression as the bell curve. The uphill is frightening; unpredictable and you almost feel yourself overlooking (and maybe ignoring) some of the signs along the way.

At first, Carolyn felt that she had to justify her actions to her Mother but as the disease progressed, she learned that that type of a response to her Mom only escalated the situation. She quickly learned how to de-escalate a situation through “therapeutic fibbing” (yes; there is such a term.)

The bell rang and Carolyn found her Mom’s progression had fast approached the “backside” of the bell. It went quickly; further and faster than she had ever imagined.

Carolyn felt almost a sense of relief as in many respects, it was comforting to her as her Mom saw Carolyn as the nice lady who came to visit. As anyone who has gone through this scenario, Carolyn stated that she did her best - she showed up and did not leave her alone - for that, she is truly grateful!

Carolyn’s book was released this past Mother’s Day and currently has almost 90 reviews on Amazon. Her book may be purchased at all of your usual favorite book outlets such as:


Barnes & Noble:

To connect with Carolyn further, please check out her website and various social media platforms:

Let me know what you thought of today’s episode. Do you know someone who suffers from Dementia? Please leave me a voice message through my website. Also, If you are interested in sharing your story, please go to my website and “register as a guest”.

Thank you Carolyn - Stories That Inspires Us!!

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