4 years ago

Discipleship is practical, but how exactly does this happen?
This video attempts to shed light on how to make disciples practically in a way that is biblical.

Jesus made disciples the same way.
Jesus' disciples made disciples the same way.
We should too.
Discipleship courses or teaching don't make disciples like Jesus described in Mark 16:17,18
Kickstart seminars lay a foundation but there isn't enough time to make disciples.

Discipleship is the same as apprenticeship and it is how Jesus made disciples.
First is a solid foundation of Salvation, which qualifies the disciple to train.
Then the disciple learns how to;
Preach, heal the sick, baptize in water & minister the Holy Spirit, cast out demons, set people free and make disciples.

They join a fellowship family of believers only and continue to learn.

It takes time, like 2-6 months.
Its a process.

So simple that every disciple of Jesus can make disciples.
And everyone can do this no matter
- Race
- Background
- Age
- Education
- Gender
- Social status

The wisdom of God is so awesome. Discipleship is so simple, difficult to corrupt, no equipment needed, everyone can disciple another. All, you need is Truth!

If you want to be a disciple and learn to make disciples, or you need prayer, salvation or deliverance, please send me an email at dojlife 360@gmail.com or just comment to start a conversation.
Also you can connect on Facebook @ Disciples in Nigeria.

To connect:
Email: dojlife360@gmail.com
Facebook @Disciples in Nigeria
Instagram @doj_life
Twitter @dojlife
Telegram invite: https://t.me/joinchat/SmP6rHVSVnvcVC8t
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