Modern tech cannot match 1800s Tartaria Phoenician nephilim giants civilization technology buildings

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2022).

1800s Steampunk Tartaria Phoenician civilization was more technologically advanced than today’s modern technology, and our modern primitive technology cannot construct their highly advanced technology buildings of the 1800s. They destroyed that society with disasters in order to restart society with orphans, since they cannot allow the cockroach-level slave specie humans, who are created in the image of the Almighty Holy Righteous Loving Creator God YHWH Jesus, to have high technology.

Steampunk 1800s Tartaria Phoenician nephilim giants’ civilization technology in 1800s was more advanced than modern technology. Gold was numerous like rocks. The videos of San Francisco city shows traces of the Tartaria Phoenician civilization’s technology cableless tram cars 4 days before they destroyed that technology and entire city with the great earthquake. There are many photos of the 1800s Phoenician nephilim giants from the 1800s. They did a “reset” with human extermination disasters and rewrote history. “Women’s head coverings rebel” fake Christians are dumb so they won’t believe it and they will get killed. A person who does not learn from history is bound to commit the same mistake. They worship Donald Trump and Katy Perry and the Queen and their church pastors and their Jezebel goddess’ fake Christianity, and redefine Bible verses and rebel against women’s head coverings so that their heads are controlled by the fallen angels to stick their middle finger up at God, and cross-dress in “Satan Lucifer’s post-1960s cross-dress-project” men’s trousers to mock God’s Word, and steal unbiblical post-1873 10% salary tithe income taxes to make God’s house a tax office, and look like hippos from behind. They hear the warning, but they ignore it. They could care less, just like they betrayed us real Christians. The “fake truth movement” Illuminati NWO New Age Wicca witch theosophy Luciferian pedophile cannibal Satanists are telling the wicked End Times apostate harlot Church’s religious Christian hordes, who are redefining Bible verses and rebelling against women’s head coverings so that their heads are controlled by the fallen angels and who hate our real Christians’ sermons although they come to read our daily sermons because they want to know the truth and their pastors hide all the truth from them, that Donald Trump and the Satanists are arresting and executing themselves, and that the hero Satanists will then bring advanced space fleet technology to the religious Christian hordes with “Great Awakening Great Reset” after they exterminate 99% of the human specie. The millions of “naked women’s heads fallen angel head controlled” religious Christian hordes are cheering and worshipping their Satanist reptilian hybrid pedophile cannibal fictitious “White Hat” heroes and executioners for their deliverance from the Satanists and for the advanced technology med beds & regen tanks & replicators & antigravity levitation spaceships that the New Age “fake truth movement” Satanist witches are promising to give them, after they arrest themselves and get rid of their own Satanists. These “naked women’s head fallen angel head controlled” religious Christian hordes receive no assassination attempts, and everyone’s brains are not controlled to hate them, while we real Christians receive assassination attempts and are hated by everyone. Decide who is speaking the truth, us or them. The pastors are hiding all of this truth from God’s people, and misleading them to destruction, out of fear of immediate assassination attempts and slaughtering of their families and ridicule from their church donators.

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