The Malady of Myths

1 year ago

THE MALADY OF MYTHS (some editing done from this for video)

An avowal presented as absolute truth is not always the truth.
Truth as presented to the uninformed is often masked by bias.
Eyes not seeing evidence of the truth may view deception.
How does one cut through layer upon layer of misinformation?

Meaningless drivel transcends understanding when facts are hidden.
What one interprets as justice may in fact be the polar opposite.
A verdict of guilt too often delivered by a jury as a yay,
if truth had been revealed, would have delivered a nay.

A scholar may prove a thesis correct through biased research,
As one may obtain evidence to support any point of view,
and be convinced the evidence gathered supports the outcome.
The question remains whether or not that point of view is the truth.

If meaningless drivel transcends understanding to be misunderstood,
it may be determined that myths correlate to the intensity of the data.
The number of exclamation points used when making a point serve
only to support the enthusiasm of the one making a particular claim.

Further, what one infers as poetic justice is perhaps poetic injustice
to serve the self-interest of the one who seeks to justify the truth.
The pendulum swings to the left just as it swings to the right.
It is when it stops in the middle that one should be concerned.

We must strive to determine what contributes to the malady of myths.
The wolf often comes disguised in sheep’s clothing to make its point.
We each have an obligation to seek what is honorable and just.
Truth is only the truth for those who have decided it is the truth.

Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies - Friedrich Nietzsche

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