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O.Pen Battery For Carts .... Manufacturing Warranty Replacement for $3 USPS Shipped!

4 years ago

Warranty replacement on O.Pens website: https://openvapeshop.com/pages/warranty

Replacement Authorization Form From O.Pen: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1583/4903/files/returnform2020.pdf?2617

Expedited Battery Replacement

We’re excited to offer expedited battery and charger replacement for customers that may not want to travel to the post office and ship back their worn out or defective product. Eligible customers who have contacted us may now purchase a replacement of their choice with shipping included for $10. Please reach out to customer service to inquire about the expedited replacement.

Customer service is available Monday - Friday 8AM-5PM MST via LiveChat, Email: customerservice@openvape.com, and Phone: Call or Text 720-726-6507