107.1FM Radio LIVE Episode #32 ~ Q Returns, Roe v Wade Insanity

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107.1FM Radio LIVE Episode #32 ~ Q Returns, Roe v Wade Insanity

5:30pm PST, 7:30pm CST, 8:30pm EST, 1:30am UK Time, 2:30am SAST, 10:30am Sydney Australia, 12:30pm Wellington NZ

Colleen and I were LIVE when Q posted for the first time in 500+ days, regarding Roe v Wade, and why things have been the way they have, and for us Patriots to remember our Oaths, both to the Republic and to God...

As a Result, Colleen and I changed our show from Decoding the Eagle Eye Movie, and Algorithms, to simply focusing upon Q, the Q Plan, Roe versus Wade, and how Abortion is Simply and Plainly, MURDER of our Innocent, Unborn Children...

So, Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 75 Animals here at our Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...you can send a monetary donation to:


Please donate, if you can afford to do so, to Sionade's Legal Fund, to get Baby Dante returned safely to her:


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Aarongorn Dunbar:


Charlie Freak and Colleen:

Justin Carpenter:

Enjoy, Love, CF

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