"Reprehensible": New Yorkers react to Supreme Court ruling on state's concealed carry laws

1 year ago

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New York Gov. Kathy Hochul called the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on concealed handguns "reprehensible" and "frightful in its scope," in one of several reactions to the ruling that struck down the state's gun limits and appeared to expand gun rights nationwide.

The ruling struck down a law that required people in New York to demonstrate a particular need for carrying a gun in order to get a licence to carry one in public.

Steven Lollo, a certified NRA (National Firearms Association) master firearms instructor in New York, said that the issue was a matter of common sense, saying a marriage licence or driver's licence are good nationwide, but questioned why gun permits are not universally accepted.

Richard Aborn, president of the Citizens Crime Commission of New York City, said that the case was the "beginning of a never-ending litany of challenges" to gun control laws.

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