Putin's worst nightmare! Russia could be erased from the earth with 2,500,00 NATO troops

2 years ago

Putin's worst nightmare! Russia could be erased from the earth with 2,500,000 NATO troops | Update war Russia and Ukraine on June 24.

NATO is plotting to massively expand its response forces to send the message that if Russia tries to invade a member country, it will be "wiped out from the earth", the report confirmed.

The military alliance played a central role in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, long before the "special military campaign" began. This month, Pope Francis argued that the invasion "might have been somehow provoked", reiterating pre-war conversations where he was warned that NATO was "barking at Russia's doorstep".

This group is said to currently feel "electrified" and is set to strengthen its military capabilities.

A NATO military officer, quoted on Sky News, said that after the invasion, "overnight the mentality has changed".

"NATO now feels electrified," he added. You can feel the energy rushing through the system. "

It is understood that a change in direction will be discussed at a summit in Madrid later this month.

One diplomat predicted "a complete change in posture".
The reports have yet to be confirmed (or indeed denied), although the alliance is reportedly looking at both rebranding and expanding its NATO Response Force.

It can become the Allied Response Force and its number can be increased by six times, from 40,000 to nearly 250,000.

This change will directly threaten Russia and crush the PUTIN threat.

Union Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the summit in Madrid: We will increase a huge number of troops to ensure tear apart the threat of Russia attacking NATO allies.

Estonian Defense Ministry Kusti Salm told journalists that a new arrangement would secure a large number of troops on the ground to ensure Russia "would lose immediately" if it broke out of Ukraine and returned. into a NATO country.

He said: “You can allocate sufficient force and you show to your potential opponent that the force is overwhelming to the extent that you [the opponent] will lose immediately.

"This message will turn into their invading lethargy... Russia can read from there that even if they try, they will be wiped from the earth within the first few hours."

Earlier this month, Johnson Boris also expressed his willingness to participate more deeply in Ukraine's response to the Russian invasion.

When he met Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv for the second time since the beginning of the war, he insisted the UK "will be with you until you finally gain the upper hand".

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Video material taken from the source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBfQ7aS30WQ

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