Morning Musings # 132 - Entertaining A Theory about the Psyche of the Atheist vs. Spiritualist

2 years ago

#atheism #atheists #spiritualist #psyche #suffering #mentalhealth #suicideawareness
I am just pondering this morning about the #psychology within the #atheist and the spiritualist. This is just #theory , I cannot directly relate to an atheist, but this is what I am assuming and imagining about the psyche in the atheist that does not have the option to tap into higher spiritual mind, or higher spiritual #consciousness of #soul .

And what happens when #life becomes really #difficult , for lets say the atheist is that they don't have the higher, they don't have access to the higher soul for #intuitive #guidance and guidance to #detachment . And so their #master guide is the #logical mind, the logical #ego . And ego's function is to protect a person from #physical and #mental harm.

But what happens when there is no higher intuitive guidance and the physical, the ego mind is #overwhelmed by all the #problems happening in the #world . That, potentially in a lot of cases is when the ego becomes overwhelmed the next step is to consider suicide, to end this #painful life.

Because there is so much overwhelm that ego just cannot cope and it's going to encourage the person to terminate. That is the solution to a mind that is in #attachment to ego and to the mind and experiences the suffering, and that is the only way to end the suffering by #terminating the physical life.

Detachment through #identity or non-identity with #bodymind is to be consciously aware, that we are not the body-mind. We are higher #consciousness and we don't identify with body-mind and it's suffering that the body-mind experiences.

So a person that is #spiritual has the option of detachment from events and circumstances so that they do not cause suffering. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. And #suffering is created through the attachment to the body-mind identity.

And so, that's what I am assuming might be the difference in experience between the atheist and the spiritualist. The atheist is fully consumed with ego mind and attachment to body-mind and therefore the suffering through hardship becomes very difficult to process and potentially will end in bodily termination.

This is at this point a theory. I have practised detachment on different levels and it does lessen the #fear and the #anxiety and the #worries that one would experience when fully identifying with their bodily form and their mental, logical mind.

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