In today’s market when is the best time to buy a roof? With #RolfTheRoofingGuy

1 year ago

In today’s market when is the best time to buy a roof? (Or any large capital outlay).
Last year a typical conversation I would have with a Building Owner sounded something like this: “We’ll wait until the #supplychain crisis improves.”
Given the current inflation rate, many are now regretting that decision.

Let’s compare polls from last year and today:
· Frustrated by the continuing supply chain disruptions: 2021: 64% 2022: 19%
· Concerned about inflation: 2021: 8% 2022: 44%

The reality is that many folks are now worried about inflation.
Let’s look at some stats:

Official Inflation Rate (CPI): 8.6%
Wholesale Prices: 10.8%
Producer Price Index--Annualized Rate: 18.2%
Raw Materials up 111% vs. CPI
Gypsum Cover Board: 15.2%
TPO: 23.1%
Poultry: 24.0%
Natural Gas: 30.0%
Seam Plates: 38.9%
Adhesive: 39.1%
Grains: 41.0%
3" Iso Plates: 45.8%
Vegetables: 46.0%
Membrane cleaner: 46.4%
T-Bar: 48.0%
Isocyanurate: 49.9%
Propane: 54.0%
4" Fasteners: 56.5%
Walkways: 58.1%
Low Rise Adhesive: 100.8%
Gas: 109.6%
Eggs: 161.0%

The late 1970’s inflation was not eliminated until the Fed raised interest rates to higher than the inflation rate. My fear is that we are in the same place today.

So back to the original question, when should you move forward with a roofing (or any construction) project? If history repeats itself, don’t delay.

How do you see it?

Rolf Snobeck, RRC
#RolfTheRoofingGuy, helping you make better #roofing decisions.

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