Lithium Mining Stocks To Buy Lithium Americas LAC HYMC NOVS KCAC FVAC SPAC News Chart Analysis

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LAC Battery Lithium Monster Electric Vehicle
adminnSeptember 30, 2020




Regarding LAC, I believe your estimation about the TSLA Battery Day hype leading to the rise past $11, and the (market crash + no names being mentioned + Elon saying they had 10k acres of lithium clay/sediment during battery day + claiming to be reinventing the process) led to the sell off.

However, with what little research I’ve done, I believe LAC will likely become a huge USA producer and will have plenty of demand as they’re really just getting started.

Recent update on their USA site located in Nevada.
The Bureau of Land Management seeks public input on the proposed Lithium Nevada Corporation Thacker Pass Project

Winnemucca, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) today released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) analyzing the potential impacts of the proposed Thacker Pass Lithium Project in Humboldt County, Nevada. If approved, the project would develop lithium reserves within the Thacker Pass deposit, the largest and highest-grade known sedimentary deposit of this critical mineral in the United States, and the second largest in the world.

“Under the Trump Administration’s leadership, we are developing reliable domestic sources of lithium and other critical minerals, keeping the United States’ manufacturing capacity competitive and maintaining our nation’s technology and national security edge. We welcome information from the public and stakeholders on this project,” said Casey Hammond, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Land and Minerals Management.

The Thacker Pass Project area is located on public land adjacent to Nevada Highway 293, in Humboldt County, Nevada, approximately 17 miles northwest of Orovada and approximately 53 miles north-northwest of Winnemucca. Lithium Nevada Corporation (LNC) has submitted proposed Plans of Operations for a mine and processing facility to produce lithium compounds for various uses, as well as for the continuation of exploration and development operations with the intent of extending the overall project life. The proposed pre-production period is two years, and mine life of the project is 41 years, not including the time for mine and facility closure and reclamation.

If approved, during construction, LNC would employ approximately 1000 contractors. Once construction is complete LNC would employ approximately 300 employees. At full capacity, the mine would produce 60,000 TPA of battery-grade lithium annually.
Thacker Pass part begins on page 14

I have held LAC since May when it was in the $4-5 range; if I was better at trading, I could have multiplied many more times off the pops since it predictably returns to it’s post March long term trajectory (20-30% incline) Regardless of the car market, lithium will soon be in much higher demand for all sorts of things, for example:

Hope those links spark your interest, it feels good to be a tentacle in Octo-nation!

Why I dont Like it?

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