Ralph K. Ginorio-151-INS: Keep Right- A STREET FIGHT WITH EVIL

2 years ago

| February 28, 2022 12:21 PM

Most of the world is run by bloody-minded brutal thugs. Only in the fortunate West are politicians elevated by appealing to voters. This is the exception. The norm is that the most effectively vicious brute triumphs.

This is why the United Nations Organization is a farce. Since decolonization, the vast majority of member nations are in the hands of tyrants who parasitically feed off of their own people.

This is why fantasies like the League of Nations, the World Court at the Hague, and International Law are perpetually incapable of deterring aggression. The idealists who dream that the world is defined by enforceable rules delude themselves into thinking that the world they wish existed is the world we live in.

Nothing could be further from the truth! International relations is not about diplomatic debates which peacefully resolve disputes through compromise. Fights, when they do break out, are not conducted according to the Marquess of Queensberry Rules.

“Politics” in the internal affairs of the non-Western World are no-holds-barred street fights. So are conflicts between non-Western nations. In the Bronx, I learned that in such a fight nothing mattered except traumatizing your opponent before he permanently damaged you. The fight ended with one or both participants insensible, crippled or dead.

This reality is not accessible to the cosseted and genteel people who comprise today’s American and international elites. They desperately want their special status and evolved sensibilities to redefine human nature into something safe and manageable.

Many everyday people also share in this illusion that the world is led and populated largely by, “people like us”; people who want to live in peace and mutual good-will.

The only refuge from this unremitting slaughter of innocence lies in culture. Institutions such as the family, law, faith, philosophy, good manners, and common decency can channel aggression into something less than calamitous.

Just because we Americans have been conspicuously blessed in these regards does not mean that such gifts are universal.


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