Who is Lael Wilcox? Rik's Mind Podcast Episode 89

2 years ago

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Today we are joined by Ultra Endurance Bike racer Lael Wilcox. Born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, Lael started commuting by bike in her 20s. Within a year, riding to work became riding across the country and then all over the world. She began ultra-distance racing in 2015 and holds the women’s records in the Tour Divide and Trans Am. In her own words Lael is “just happy to be riding my bike :).” Lael is motivated to encourage more people, especially women, to ride. She organizes Tucson GRIT, women’s adventure scholarships and bikepacking challenges. You can find more of Lael on her website LaelWilcox.com and her Instagram @laelwilcox

Show Notes: riksmind.com/89laelwilcox

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