Hearings, Colbert, SCOTUS, Dobbs, Uvalde • Annie Frey Show 6/23/22

2 years ago

THURSDAY: Rep. Rodney Davis, Hans von Spakovsky, Tyrus

Rep. Rodney Davis was originally named to be a part of the Congressional investigation into the events of 1/6. When Speaker Pelosi turned it into a partisan select committee, Davis was out. What does he think of the Hearings so far? We ask him at 12:05pm.

On SCOTUS watch? We are. And Hans von Spakovsky joins us at 12:25pm to react to the latest SCOTUS rulings releases. Plus, we'll anticipate what is left to come from the Supreme Court.

Tyrus hits us up at 1:05pm to react to the unconscionable facts that continue to be released in the wake of the horrible Uvalde, TX school shooting.

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- More news/headline focused
- More conversational and fun
- Equally balanced with both
- It's not enjoyable.

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