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15 seconds

Steadfast & Loyal | Uncle Tom II


  • 0/2000
  • Those 3 core principles should be taught in our schools from jr high up through high school with prayer pledge of allegiance

  • Well said as always

  • Well said as always

    1 like
  • Well said as always

    1 like
  • Well said as always

    1 like
  • Well said as always

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  • The information that was discussed about the real facts behind the Tulsa Greenwood Riot were very eye-opening! Thank you gentlemen for shining a light on how Marxists have manipulated black communities for decades! I still have not seen 'Uncle Tom' yet, but I will. Looking forward to this sequel. By the way, I have always admired Booker T. Washington and his thinking and actions, as opposed to the NAACP.

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  • Incredible. I’m grateful to have access to this interview and will watch both films. God’s hand is all over what we see stirring up. The same spirit of narcissism, Machiavellian-ism, wolves in sleeps clothing , etc has been in full swing from every system God set in order, from the home to the highest seat of government, they’ve been highjacked. HOWEVER, God is not unaware, He sees and knows. And He’s about to sweep the earth and make it right. And I don’t believe any man or woman will be able or willing to take credit for His goodness in it. Thank you for providing this incredible team to speak on the project God moved them to undertake.

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