What is your relationship with food like?

1 year ago

Have you ever thought about all of the different ways that you give your power away to food?⁠

2 options: Fresh fruit or a bag of fruit snacks. ⁠

Which do you grab?⁠

It's an important choice that tells you something about where your attention is.⁠

The fresh fruit is nourishing, healthy, full of healing benefits for your body, organs and systems. ⁠

The fruit snack? Not so much.⁠

Move through your day and start to notice how your relationship with food has evolved. ⁠

Mother Earth and Nature have provided us everything we need to heal to be vibrantly healthy and well.⁠

There was a time in the past when no one needed the Cheetos or the snacks or the potato chips. ⁠

They didn't exist.⁠

People didn't live to eat, they ate to live.⁠

Take a moment today and look at what choices you're making related to food, and how you're using food.⁠

Are you using it to heal and create optimal health and well-being?⁠

Are you using it to numb yourself, or comfort yourself emotionally?⁠

Are you giving your power away to food?⁠

Intentionally evaluating your relationship with food can be one eye-opening glimpse into potentially massive power leaks - and when you take all your power back - ⁠

You create a life that's powerful, healthy, and free.⁠

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