CDC ACIP - Barbara Loeppke - June 23, 2022

2 years ago

My name is Barbara Loeppke.

Regarding the presentation about the HPV vaccine yesterday. It is concerning that the word “estimated” was used over …and over …and over. There was no mention about adverse events that are experienced by some: the POTS, infertility, gastroparesis, and the other neurological problems.

And …Frankly, I am appalled that no one on this committee even batted an eye about how the studies used for yesterday’s presentation were all conducted in Minority, Black and Colonial communities. The reference to the India trials being stopped by their government was quickly brushed over and not discussed, just applause for the vaccine.

On to the covid vaccine:

The use of the phrase “Putting the incidence in context”, is definitely bypassing the “First do no harm” ethics which used to be a part of medicine. Harm of children is now acceptable for the greater good.

If we know that myocarditis CAN be caused by the vaccine - why only ONE injury determined to be compensable by the countermeasures program? No help for the injured.

Today, finally, Dr. Shimabakura has admitted that there are many experiencing injury. He has admitted they don’t know the mechanism or how to help them. Continuing to put these harmful vaccines onto the schedule when YOU KNOW that people are being injured ? These injuries and the lives affected are on your hands. Absolutely on your hands. With the official acknowledgement today, you can’t say you don’t know about them.

Last week, the committee said that putting the covid vaccine on the schedule just means that parents who want the vaccine for their children can get it … HOWEVER …we all know that if a vaccine is recommended for children by the CDC, it WILL be made mandatory for daycare and school. As several states only have a medical exemption …and doctors that give medical exemptions in those states are having their medical licenses attacked for doing so …there will be NO CHOICE ALLOWED for many parents. Your decision took away choice.

Regarding the allowance of the use of a 10 dose vial for babies and toddlers is just a disaster waiting to happen. As quoted from a renowned statistician, “10-dose vials are terrible because administration errors go up and because it’s impossible to guarantee consistency across doses…”.

President Biden, on JUNE 10th, stated that parents could make appointments to get their children under 5 vaccinated as early as June 20. This declaration was made a week before the FDA and CDC even met. This showed the public that the fda and cdc process is just a theatrical process - that the decision had already been made …by June 10. You should be upset about this.

Thank you for your time.

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