Somehow Our Love Survives by Michael Franks ~ God is Always with Us!

2 years ago

This is one of the most Beautiful and Truthful songs of all time, as in it, Michael Franks shows us how God is ALWAYS connected to us, no matter what, even when we are completely disconnected from Him...and this song comes from his album, Abandoned Garden, which is the Garden of Eden, which is INSIDE of our Heads, and the Threshold to the Garden is via the Portal of the Pineal Gland, which must be activated for Heaven Upon Earth to Literally exist...

And this is how it goes and goes and goes...we Rise, only to Fall again, each time creating so much Pain and Suffering in our Lives, and thru all that time, God is there with us, Freely allowing us to choose our Path, no matter what, when all He wants us to do is to 'Choose Him'...this is Taking the LOAD off of ourselves, and handing it over WILLINGLY to God, and then Only Ever accepting the Grace that comes from His Hand...

This can also be viewed as Taking No Thought for our Lives, because our Thinking Brain is the Left Hemisphere of our Brains, where the Ego resides, and this ALWAYS Spells Trouble for us...but when we Let Go, when we TRUST completely in God, and let HIM do the thinking for us, Life becomes a Treasure...from the INSIDE OUT and Not the other way around...

And remember, no matter how badly we Screw and Twist our Lives into a Baal of Satan, God is Always there to Bail us out, with a 'Retainer', as He Straightens our Path to the Way of Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, He who came to Show us the Way into Heaven upon Earth...and there, the problems cease, Life simply becomes a series of challenges to BUILD YOU UP so that You can become the Master of your Fate, the MAST - STAR, Shinning Brightly for All to see...

So, don't go "Out There", Stop, Drop and Roll "In There", inside of You where no other Man can go...and you do this via Meditation...reject the Greed, Lust and Violence of the Cabalistic World, for the Divinity of the Mother's Earth...

Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 75 Animals here at our Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of can send a monetary donation to:

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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