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2 years ago

YouTube descriptions are not mandatory. Many YouTubers actually leave them blank.

That said, there’s an incredible power in them.

Use them correctly and you will increase your video views, get more followers and make way more money (if you monetize your channel.)

Today I’ll briefly describe some core principles that you should keep in mind when writing them and give you some examples/ YouTube description templates that will get you started.

Tell Viewers About You with Channel Descriptions
Your YouTube channel description should tell viewers everything they need to know about you, your channel, and your videos, without giving too much away.

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It should make them want to subscribe and watch some of your videos to get to know you better. It is also a good place to answer questions they may have about your channel and content.

Here is how to write the perfect YouTube channel description:

Describe your channel. This might be the most obvious thing to do, but it’s where most people get hung up. The goal of this description is to tell your viewers what will happen if they subscribe and watch your videos. What kind of content will they see? How frequently will they see it? Will they learn anything? Make sure they know the benefits of subscribing such as your amazing sense of humor or your easy to understand tutorials.
Include links to your website, social media, and online store (If you have one). You want to make sure viewers know where to find you, so link to everything you want people to find. If you have a channel trailer or introductory video, this would be a good place to link to it, as well.
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Include a call to action to whatever you want your new followers to do. Do you want them to subscribe? Turn on notifications? Share your content? Or maybe sign up to receive newsletters? Whatever you want them to do, ask them to do it! Word it in a way they won’t be able to resist and put the CTA at the end of your channel description.Write it like you are talking to a friend. You don’t want to make your channel description too formal. It should be easy to read, or even skim, with short sentences and paragraphs and maybe even bullet point, if that is applicable to your content. If you are having trouble with your channel description, try actually describing it to a friend and use the same language and terminology you use to talk with them!
Make it brief. Don’t go overboard and give them to much information. Leave them wanting to know even more beyond your channel basics because that will make them want to watch your videos or visit your website. A short channel description that gets straight to the point is best.
Add your personality. Anyone can write a plain-jane channel description, but only you can write one with your style and tone of voice. Don’t be afraid to crack a joke or use slang words, as long as that is something you do anyway. Always be true to yourself on your YouTube channel. You want viewers to get to know the real you!#trending#shots#polpular#facts

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