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UK Column News - 23rd June 2022

2 years ago

Brian Gerrish, Alex Thomson, Debi Evans and Mark Anderson with today's UK Column News.


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  • When you have destroyed your manufacturing base and energy independence is that the time to start ww3? The Russians could be using Chinese supplies would we even know? All while assaulting their own populations with deadly medicine and climate propaganda? I think Putin is right western elites maybe on the edge of being replaced. Even the military and public sector are burying their kids now... just saying...and now financial collapse? ..nose to spite the face?

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  • Seems that this government's support for Ukraine has pit our country at serious risk.Well done.Failed in their primary function.The opposition would have done it just as quickly.

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  • The funniest thing of all is the delusion of the news… by being outraged that Russia may choose not to sell their produce to it’s (by action countries that have declared war on Russia) European cousins.. the ones pedal lies 24/7, sanction Russia and seize assets abroad without basic rights of fair trial?!!! It’s like being surprised if you surrounded and set siege on a medieval castle.. then saying how immoral they have become for not providing food to the invading army 😂😂

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