Ayahuasca Livestream pt. 2

4 years ago

This week (rescheduled; bad internet last Friday in the jungle) we will cover ground that we didn't have time for last time. We will discuss how the ayahuasca industry has clouded and even threatened the preservation of traditional practices. I will offer some advice for discerning between authentic practices and modern "innovations" as well.
We will discuss what to do on those rare occasions that ayahuasca makes someone worse, instead of better, whether "Pachamama" is really female, and I will use one of my visions to illustrate how to interpret the incredible visions of the ayahuasca experience.
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#ayahuasca #plantmedicine #entheogen #psychedelic #healing #alternativemedicine #shamanism #integration #ayahuascasafety #thetruthaboutayahuasca #shaman #dmt #dieta #ayahuascaretreatPlease like, share, subscribe, and if you would like to see more and improved vids from us please support us on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/IllumiGnostic
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