4 years ago

Mike Balloun teaches today. 10/03/20.


VERSES: 2nd Peter 3:7-8; Hosea 6:2; 1:9; Genesis 1:1-2; 1st Corinthians 15:20-26; Matthew 7:21; Revelation 22:12



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These remaining verses are some of the most enlightening and critical for the understanding of what Christianity is, starting with Adam’s demise in the Garden of Eden and the following consequences and promise of God to the Second Adam.

We spoke earlier about how our faith must be established on Biblical facts not feelings. Some Biblical facts in verse 12… “Wherefore, as 1) by one man (Adam) 2) sin entered (from outside) into the world, and 3) death by sin; and so 4) death passed upon all men, 5) for that all (men) have (the word ‘have’ not in the Greek) sinned…” By one man; Adam, sin entered into God’s RE-created world 6000 years ago; thereby becoming the heavens and earth which are now, by the same word (as the original creation and) are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But, beloved, be not ignorant -- of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” [2nd Peter 3:7-8]

1) The first Adam was tested by the one law and failed. He forfeits innocence and receives condemning conscience. He receives judgment in the penalty of death for his willful disobedience. He and his seed, for an Age after him (up until the Law of Moses) were subject to trial according to the ‘law of condemning conscience’ according to the sentence of the Garden judgment, which resulted in all their deaths. Showing that Death reigns.
2) Sin; (the verb/the action in the Greek ‘humartia’ is to miss or wander from the right path; to go; or do, wrong) entered in to this world ; having not been here, was introduced by satan. The Angel Lucifer, was the first recorded in Scripture to do what is called ‘sin’. He, being now irreconcilably unrepentant, remains THE original Sinner; with many types of sinning, having had a fuller knowledge of God’s Will. (The noun for sin in the Greek ‘paraptoma’; a falling aside, when one should have stood upright. Hence morally a fall, a falling aside from truth and equity; a fault, or trespass.) Sin is accredited to him. Because of him in the first place, and Adam’s willful transgression in the 2nd place, sin entered this Re-Created world, and Adam (and Eve) became the first human sinners.

3) Death came as a result of Adam’s sin. Death is the severe penalty of Law given according to the notice that Adam had previously received.

4) Death is perpetuated in all mankind because we all are Adam’s seed (we were in his loins; from him).

5) Death is perpetuated; because we all sinned in him. The fact that all men continued to die effectively proves they had sin in them. For death is the penalty of sin and answers to the sentence and proof of law broken. How is this explained? That men are the seed of fallen Adam and as such inherit the condemned fallen nature of Adam is true enough, for it is the Law of Genesis; in that every seed must produce after its own kind (compare Genesis 1:11 to 1st Corinthians 15 which has in view the resurrection). But this does not completely address Paul’s statement of facts moving forward, in how it relates to the comparison of the Two Adams’ imputations of sin and righteousness. There is something to be said about corporate humanity; corporate sin, and corporate righteousness. Truth of corporate humanity is found in Adam. We are all imputed death, and then in Jesus Christ we may all have imputed life (more to be said on this matter in this lesson). It should at least be understood that we as humans come from one seed, and we therefore answer one to another corporately. Whereas Angels are all singular in nature, and are individuals unto themselves.

VERSE 12-13 “For until the Law (of Moses) sin (that entered through Adam) was in the world; now sin (and its penalty of death) is not reckoned, where there is no law.” The Law here means Moses’ Law. Before which there was only the trespass by one man, of one law, with the penalty of death. There were numerous and grievous sinners and sins but their eventual deaths were a result of Adam’s trespass, not a reckoning of their own sins. Not having heard of the law or its breaking, does not mean they had no light. All then as now should have humanity. If they have not humanity, it’s sin against their own conscience, for all men of fallen Adam were of......


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