14 Senate Republicans Agreed To Gun Control That We Need To Stop

1 year ago

14 Senate Republicans Agreed To Gun Control That We Need To Stop


If you are a Texan and you ever vote for John Cornyn again, you are actively working against the 2nd Amendment.

One of my biggest regrets was voting for John Coryn in 2020. Never again. Shame I have to wait 4 years but I won't forget.

To solve all the BS, the constitution needs to be enforced one way or another! Anybody politicians who tries to infringe our constitutional rights shall be removed from their seats & fined!

Any politician demanding gun control shall be forced to obey it themselves and their bodyguards

Department of Natural Resources supervisor was charged with domestic violence. The charges were later dropped and he was sentenced to anger management. Point being, it depends on who you are as to whether or not you can keep your guns.

246 years later and we’ve come full circle back to Patriots vs. Tories.

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