Mystery of Life: "Souls are Hunted to Birth Locusts in Pit"; "Frequencies & Mind & Matter"

2 years ago

This video builds upon the Foundation of Jonathan Kleck’s Ministry: “This Is It Before the Fire”. I provide additional visual and scriptural evidence that proves that the Human Host Body is being used to transmute the Lord God’s Angels (Human Soul) into a Serpent Scorpion Locust Race that will be birthed from the bottomless pit. These new images include the full transmutation process; (Man-Larva-Death-Locus) from within the Alter of St. Peter in the Vatican.
I also provide visual evidence of who Abaddon, Apollyon, Satan, known as the Angel from the Bottomless Pit is and a testimony of how I was led to this understanding. Along with scriptural proof that Lucifer was the Original “Builder” in Heaven and was builder of the earth, and why he in known as the "Prince of the Power of the Air"

I want to make it perfectly clear to all who watch this video, that I do NOT believe that we live on a Floating Flat Disk in space. The Earth is a globe that has a "Flat Plane of Existence" where all Time and Life exists, but it is NOT a spinning ball Heliocentric Model, like we have been taught in our education system. Please keep this mind when watching this video.

These are amazing revelations! All Glory to the Lord God "El"
God Bless!

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