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Hollywood Decode | The Matrix Pt. 1 | Thomas Althouse | Deep Dive Into The Matrix | Take the Blue Pill

2 years ago

Hollywood screenwriter Thomas Althouse joins our Hollywood Decode series as we launch episode #1 of Deep Dive Into the Matrix! He can prove through forensic evidence that he wrote the original screenplay for the Blockbuster motion picture THE MATRIX. He was being groomed to be the face of the Christian Coalition by one of the biggest named evangelical leaders out there. He has seen the dark side of both Hollywood and the christian church. He has had his intellectual property stolen, two of his sons murdered, and all in an attempt to silence him and what he knows. Similar to the script itself, there are many ways to look at things. Unlike the movie, it’s the blue pill that represents truth. Join us on this journey to find out why that is on today’s show, Deep Dive Into the Matrix with Thomas Althouse.

You can see all of the court files, documents, and document proof at https://redpillrising.org

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~ Tania Joy
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  • 0/2000
  • So deep! so much info! But it ends so abruptly. I can't wait for the next video!

  • Yea know I definitely recall a prophetic word the Lord gave through Amanda Grace I believe in late 2019 or early 2020 bout a deep exposure coming to a very big & influential Christian network & bringing it down. A network on tv, that has negatively corrupted others on their network, led sheep astray & that God was raising up His own righteous network… sharing bc that Word just came to mind while listening to this

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