Jesus hates the wicked and lukewarm dead church people and they will be left behind

2 years ago

Jesus is the Lion of Judah and very very very angry and has had enough with the wicked and the dead lukewarm church people who act like they know God but do not, they love the world and God at the same time and accept the gays rainbow clowns inside the dead churches and say everyone is welcome but not God or the outcasts just the wicked sodomites they are welcome, dead churches have nothing inside but a bunch of dead rotten people and so many churches are dead and people are cranky inside, always fighting, doing the same traditions and ritual's over and over and say we don't want you God we love our traditions and this is how we do it!! Dead churches are nothing more of a graveyard and makes Jesus sick! I wish you were hot or cold but since you are lukewarm I will spit you out of My mouth!! Jesus will take only those who truly belong to Him and leave everyone else left behind, He will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world and no one is safe at all and will not be able to hide!! Once the rapture happens all hell breaks loose!!! America will be destroyed, so many will die and end up in hell because planes will fall out of the sky, subways will just crash and killing everyone on board, America gets attacked by Russia, china, Iran and north Korea all at the same time, California, Oregon and Washington gets hit by a huge earthquake and no will escape at all, the east coast will get hit with a huge tsnsumi and no one will escape, God will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world!! The first trumpet will sound and hail mixed with blood will fall to the earth and will kill anyone it lands on!! The hail will be the size of a house!! All trees will be burned up, sea life will die, water will be poisoned and those who drink it die, demons will sting all the wicked and will leave those who got sealed by God alone, it will be dark and the sun and moon will not shine at all, food will be gone, stars will fall to earth, then the 7 Bowl judgements will be poured out on everyone who worships the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast and will get painful boils on themselves, the sun will get so hot it will sorch everyone and the wicked will curse God!! God will do this to punish Israel for rejecting Jesus, to get all the lukewarm phony church people to decide between Jesus or the antichrist, and to destroy all the wicked and those who worship the antichrist!! The wicked will be destroyed by Jesus! He will get rid of all of you that includes you gays, lesbians and trans! He hates the wicked and will make you all suffer His tribulation judgements and the great white throne and the lake of fire, those who mock God, burn Bibles, parade around in sodomite pride rainbow trout parades will see God as their Judge and He will not be nice at all!! All the wicked and self righteous church people will be at the great white throne judgement and God will judge everyone according to what they have done alive, no one will escape it at all!! It is set in stone and the sentence will be the lake of fire because you rejected Jesus and you get no second chance at all anymore, that door is shut to you now!! You will be thrown into the lake of fire because you mocked God, said I will never serve you, you lived however you wanted to and said it is my life God I will do whatever I want without you! And God says ok you will see Me again as your Judge and since you are not forgiven I will say depart from Me you worker of inquinity for I never knew you!! Jesus will say this to so many people and it will be your worst nightmare!! Jesus is coming to rescue His bride while the 7 year tribulation is going on, then He will come back to earth and will rein thousand years and He will destroy all the wicked! Jesus is not the baby in a manager anymore but a mighty king!! The lion of Judah and He will crush all those who are against Him!!!

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